Does Yoga Defeat Corona?

Chiranjibi Paudyal
6 min readApr 10, 2020

How can we defeat the pandemic Corona? How can we utilise our time properly during the lockdown? How can we be happy and healthy?

Is Yoga the answer?

We hear ‘Corona’ time and again each and every day for the last 3 months. Newspapers, radio, television, online, internet, social media, phone with friends and family, the first thing we read, watch and hear is ‘Coronavirus.’

This is the deadly virus that has claimed thousands of lives across the world, millions are affected, business is damaged and destroyed and the whole focus of many nations is how to save lives. Almost the whole Europe is under lockdown, the world’s biggest economy- the USA is under lock down and world’s biggest democracy with over 1.3 billion population- India is under lockdown. Small or big in sizes and shapes in geography or economy are under lockdown. Its impact is bigger than the two world wars.

Though there are many things we can do to pass our time during this lockdown. Reading, writing, dancing, playing (indoor) and doing activities of our hobbies and interests. However, Yoga should not be forgotten to do and make your way of life to fight against disease and live a healthy life.

Why Yoga?

Lockdown is an opportunity to do Yoga specially breathing exercise (Pranayama). Breathing exercise (Pranayama) not only provides enough oxygen, which is the source of all energies, to our body but also makes our lungs strong enough to energise our cells. Some doctors involved in the treatment of Covid- 19 have also said that breathing exercise is very beneficial to fight Corona.

As the Corona is a virus that affects our respiratory system. If we do Pranayama on regular basis, it can help to improve our lungs’ capacity to take more oxygen. Doctors and scientists involved in the treatment of Corona have said that we need to enhance our immunity to defeat the virus, for this Yoga is said to be one of the best method.

You have time, you have access of yoga with just a click in your mobile or laptop as there are dozens of Yoga sessions being run around your area online and you can access such facilities from renowned (real) yoga teachers from anywhere in the world. You do not need to drive, walk and take a mat with you to go there. You can access from your bed or just sitting in your sofa.

Pranayama helps to enhance your immune system; it helps to improve the capacity of your lungs to take more oxygen and ultimately help defeat not only the current epidemic corona but other types of viruses that is why yoga is very popular around the globe.

What is Yoga?

Yoga (Yog) is a Sanskrit word which means ‘union of physical, mental and spiritual practices.’ Yoga focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental well-being. This is a type of exercise to become physically fit, flexible, and improving your breathing (oxygen intake), and relaxing your mind. The ultimate purpose of yoga is to be healthy, happy and lead a stress less lifestyle. Yoga is an ancient philosophy which first originated from Hinduism about 5,000 years ago in which physical exercises and meditation are believed to help people to become calmer, peaceful and unite with Paramatma ( God).

In Bhagavad Gita, one of the greatest scriptures of the Hinduism among hundreds, Yoga is defined as ‘everything positive experience in life that includes selfless, cleansing, freeing, balancing, inspiring, and joyful actions based on a vision in which we experience peaceful interconnected with all around us.’

What are the benefits of Yoga?

Yoga is proven to be completely holistic health benefits. Regular Yoga practices has tremendous physical, mental and spiritual health benefits. There are numerous studies and researches done about the benefits of yoga around the globe proving major health benefits. Before discussing the benefits of yoga, it is better to discuss the major health problems in the world today. According to the world health organisation the major health issues are:

Obesity, diabetes, depression/stress, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, arthritis and cancer. Most of these diseases are known as lifestyle diseases which can be completely cured through yoga. Cybele Tomlinson, author of simple Yoga, says regular practice releases the physical blockages that restricts your movement and increase strength, body becomes more fluid and resilient and you start to feel younger and more energetic.

What does NHS say about Yoga?

Numerous research studies have been conducted about the health benefits of Yoga around the globe and they are found to be extremely useful. According to National Health Services (NHS) ‘there is some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, hearth disease, aches and pains including lower back pain- depression and stress’ among others.

Saint Patanjali, who started the philosophy of Yoga about 5,000 years ago states in his famous Patanjali Yoga sutra ‘Yoga is complete philosophy of life based on scientific principles and can be used effectively for self-healing and self-realisation.’ Yoga brings discipline in life helping to remove toxins from body and nourishing our body. Swami Ramdev, who popularise Yoga throughout the world, says Yoga is a comprehensive physical and spiritual practices with immense health benefits.

“Yoga is a good way to reconnect mind, body and spirit — to allow someone the resilience to face whatever stressors or obstacles come throughout the day,” says Dr Poulin Uddin, famous Yoga expert.

Yoga can improve your immune system, increase strength,decrease stress, relieves anxiety, improves hearth health, fight depression, improves quality health and reduce chronic pain. It can also promote sleep quality, promotes flexibility and balance, improvise breathing that improves the overall health with the flow of oxygen around the body, says Rachael Link of Healthline. She states yoga has following health benefits:

· Reduced risk of heart diseases and better cardiac functioning

· Improved attention

· Enhanced mental capabilities

· Improved quality of sleep

· Increased alertness, awareness, and relaxation

· Reduction in menstrual problems

· Reduction in disease conditions and medicine usage in chronic diseases including heart diseases, hypertension, anxiety, depression, asthma, back/neck pain, diabetes, insomnia, obesity, thyroid imbalances and allergies, to name a few.

Types of Yoga

Though there are numerous types of yoga practices around the globe, we can mainly divide them into the following categories:

Gyan Yog: Yoga committed to inquiry.

Karma Yog: Selfless service and Dharma.

Bhakti Yog: love and devotion to God.

Hath Yog: devoted to the physical discipline of the body and balance of physical, mental and spiritual practice of postures, pranayama and physical activities.

Raja Yog: introspection and contemplation.

What we do in Yoga?

Pranayama, breathing exercise: there are different ways of improving the oxygen intakes in our body and exhaling the toxins- carbon dioxide from our body. The main breathing exercises are bhastrika, kapalbhati, bahya, agnisar, shitali and sheetkari, ujjayi, anulom vilom, bhramari, udgeeth and pranav. The Pranayam exercise help improve oxygen intake, the main life-giving element for our body. This is the main source of energy and extremely beneficial for relaxation of mind, lower stress, balancing the blood pressure and maintaining heart related problems. You can find detail information about these asans through yoga teachers in your local areas or in the internet.

What are the main postures of Yoga?

Yogic jogging, 12 poses of physical exercise provides full body workout and then the postures help to specifically improve poses overall problems. There are different poses for abs, ankles, arms, back, belly, bladder, brain, chest, feet, glutes, hamstrings, legs, liver, lower back, lungs, neck, pelvis, pituitary, hands, heart, hip flexors and kidneys. Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), tadasan, vajrasan, mandukasan, sasakasan, gomukhasan, vakrasan, ardha matsyndrasana, naukasan, pavanmuktasana, markatasan, bhujangasan, savashan and singhasan are some of the postures of yoga.

Who can do yoga and what is the best time?

Anyone can do Yoga. There is no age bar to do yoga, from a small child to an elderly person of any age and ability can do yoga. Tao Porchon-Lynchis an American yoga master, who at the age of 100, used to teach six to eight classes a week in New York and led programmes across the globe. Morning is the best time to do yoga but it can be done in the evening or any other time. Yoga should be done in empty stomach in a clean and calm environment.

What it involves?

Yoga starts with the chanting of ‘Om’ (Aum) mantra, physical stretching, breathing, asans, postures and meditation. Patanjali Yoga Trust states about the benefits of Yoga, ‘Yoga is the foundation of disease- free living and a complete medical science. In fact, Yoga is a way of life and it can help to overcome your limitations, cross your obstacles’ and by doing so you will need little care and support.’

Let’s make commitment to do regular yoga to live a healthy and happy life during this difficult time. We can defeat Corona and other diseases through regular Yoga with positive attitude.

